How can I work from home? What happens to lunch?, How does the printer work? What signature do I put under my e-mail messages?
These are all questions a new employee has. Very practical and easy to tell, but it has to be done.
Induction or onboarding
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Save time and streamline your existing onboarding and introduction process.
Turn your new hires into real insiders and ambassadors.
Onboarding as you know it. But as easy as it gets.
We believe in teams, because behind every successful organization are fantastic teams. Every team has the potential to take its organisation further, have fun with each other and to rise above itself together with colleagues. That’s our dream!
With our onboarding tool you and your team discover which step you can take today to be more successful tomorrow.
How can I work from home? What happens to lunch?, How does the printer work? What signature do I put under my e-mail messages?
These are all questions a new employee has. Very practical and easy to tell, but it has to be done.
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